Advocating for respiratory care professionals in Washington State

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Take Action Before May 7, 2024

On May 7, 2024 over 100 respiratory therapists will come to Washington, DC to ask Members of Congress to co-sponsor the Supplemental Oxygen Access Reform (SOAR) Act in the US House of Representatives or in the Senate.  Support and join your colleagues by asking for Co-sponsorship in the House and the Senate.

SOAR in the House HR 7829

SOAR in the Senate S 3821

The AARC thanks you for your commitment to the profession and to patients!

To promote the profession of respiratory care

National and State Advocacy

“Facilitate cooperation and understanding.”

Financial Viability

“Scholarship and opportunities for students and practicing therapists.”


“Advance the science, technology, ethics, and art of respiratory care.”


“Strength in numbers with a focus on equity, diversity, and inclusion.”

RCSW Chapters

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